Monday, September 26, 2011

A new facebook?

I think I might actually like this new facebook.  I agree, it will probably take a while before I get used to it.  The only down side is that I've had facebook for 6 years, I'm not too sure if I will like that it remembers everything I've ever posted about....  Guess time will tell.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Overland Park

Hey everyone! My marketing class is doing a project for them, please check out this website and sign up for their newsletter. Thanks!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

iPhone 5G

I'm glad to hear a date has been released for the new iPhone.  (Especially since I'm still sporting an iPhone 3G.)  However, October 4th is coming up pretty soon, I think there should be a set, concrete date announced soon.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Undo the Deception

I saw this ad while watching a movie.
What a powerful message.
If only people understood how precious life really is....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Have you looked at Blogger lately?

Blogging is still a new concept to me.  I began my personal/photography blog back in January 2011 and I am still learning how to blog...if there is even a correct way?  But did you know all the facts that were stated in the video?  WOW!  And that is just blogger alone--not accounting any of the other blog service websites.

In the last few days I've noticed that blogger has changed.  (I'm sure you have too.)  And it sure looks like we will be seeing many more changes in the next few months/year.  I wonder how that will impact the future of blogging as we know it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Little Too Close To Home

With the ten year anniversary of 9/11 coming up, I've noticed a lot of news articles emerging.  I've heard in the years past that some of the people that were exposed to ground zero had developed cancer.  However, I found it hit a little too close to home when the one cancer that was named was Multiple Myeloma.

In May of 2010, my dad was diagnosed with this cancer and it has changed my life completely.  He was not in New York when the attacks happened, but I've heard many cases about people volunteering their time to help clean up ground zero and a few years later learning they too have cancer.  It breaks my heart to see people doing something good and then become sick a few years later.